noise and sound

Monday, December 04, 2006

they shoot horses don't they, ukranian hall, vancouver bc canada, december 1 2006 (mp3/sbd)

Last Friday, bizzare Vancouver jam band They Shoot Horses, Don't They? played the Ukranian Hall. They played mostly from their latest full-length, Boo Hoo Hoo Boo, which is out on Kill Rock Stars. The band even played some songs that were so new they didn't even have titles. I danced for a half-hour straight to this strange fun circus music horns thing that I can't seem to categorize. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy their show.

1. Intro
2. Last Song
3. That Them There
4. Transmitting
5. Older New Song
6. The Bugs
7. Silver Rain
8. Apple
9. Really New Song
10. Emptyhead
11. Sunlight